Protection Orders

If you need immediate assistance, contact the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department by calling 911 or 740-472-1612.
Listed below is the link to the Supreme Court of Ohio’s website. This site contains instructions and forms needed to file a Petition for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order, Civil Stalking Protection Order or Sexually Oriented Offense Protection Order.
Forms may also be obtained at the Monroe County Common Pleas Court, 101 N. Main St., Third Floor, Woodsfield, OH 43793
PLEASE REVIEW THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. The instructions explain the difference between a Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order and Civil Stalking Order. The instructions also explain the process for obtaining an Order from the Court.
It is highly recommended that an appointment be made with the Judge prior to coming to the Common Pleas Court by calling 740-472-0841
Upon presenting a Petition to the Court, an ex parte hearing shall be held the same day with a full hearing scheduled within seven to ten days. The respondent must have the opportunity to be present at the full hearing.