Lead Testing
Phone: 1-877-LEADSAFE (532-3723)
Email: lead.testing@odh.ohio.gov
Fax: (614) 728-6793
The Ohio Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (OHHLPPP) addresses the needs of lead-poisoned children from birth through 6 years (72 months) of age. The program assists family members, medical care providers and other community members to reduce and prevent lead poisoning. OHHLPPP recognizes that children under the age of 3 years (36 months) are at greatest risk for lead poisoning.
This program is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for childhood lead poisoning prevention efforts in Ohio. OHHLPPP receives all blood lead laboratory reports on Ohio resident children and contributes to the national database on lead poisoning. The program also promotes the national lead poisoning prevention guidelines set forth by the CDC. To find out more visit: https://odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/childhood-lead-poisoning